Dhal + DIY

at Old Bank Residency, NOMA

An afternoon of activities designed to celebrate DIY culture, always paired with a bowl of delicious dhal.

Each Friday features DHAL, DIY, DANCE, DEBATE and DRAWING led by some of the finest creative minds Manchester has to offer.

DHAL - squash dhal topped with chilli and coriander.
DIY - helping the NOMA team plant up boxes for the edible Christmas Tree in Sadler's Yard.
DANCE - Paul and Linda McCartney's 1971 album RAM as it was designed to be heard in a full album playback.
DEBATE - discussion and debate are healthy partners; the latest topic - the importance of civic space in cities.
DRAW - local artist and bank manager Neil leads a workshop on how to to draw your dinner (because food photography is so 2018).


Patio Planter Making


Sit & Stay